How to help Megacubo?

Megacubo is an open source project, available free of charge to all, without any paid modalities. Its mission is to offer Internet users a simple, fast and practical experience to watch TV online, avoiding the known problems faced when we try to watch TV through the browser.

If the program fulfilled this mission with you, this makes us very happy, we devote a lot of time in developing the software and knowing that it is being a useful tool in people’s lives is quite rewarding.

But if you want to take a step further and help our project to grow and ensure its continuity, including the realization of alternative projects of interest of the community as the version of the program for Android and the plug-in for Kodi, both free, there are some Ways you help the project directly, see How to:


1. Share

The bigger the community around a software, the greater the pace of development of it, each user conquered is all the more reason to move forward. So a great way to help us is to recommend the software to your friends and relatives.

The Megacubo can be useful to people of all ages and genders, we have seen from cases of parents who leave the Megacubo open for their children to watch drawings and educational programs in the program, people who are in remote countries and kill the nostalgia of Brazil watching the Brazilian channels, etc.

You can share the program in Word of mouth or through social networks such as Facebook.


2. Disclose

If you own a website, blog or channel on Youtube can publish something about the program in it, be it a tutorial or an article, we would be very grateful and we can help in the disclosure of the content, just let us know where it published and, if necessary, give us a touch asking if We can help you with the disclosure.


3. Feedback

The feedback (response) of users is very important to us, we use it as a thermometer to know in which we should not move, because it is already working well or what needs to be modified. Just contact us and inform us how the Megacubo worked on your computer, if there was any problem we can help you solve it, already if the program worked well, know while filling your feedback that will be bringing a smile to the Developers of the program. 😀
