Make money with Megacubo

Megacubo is a free application where we offer a package of special features which we call Megacubo Premium. When a visitor downloads our free app using your affiliate link, a cookie is saved in their browser for 90 days, recording your affiliate ID. If, within the next 90 days, the user decides to purchase Megacubo Read more

Why use Megacubo?

The transmissions that you watch by Megacubo are not the responsibility of the program, but of various sites spread over the web. However this can bring you a basic doubt, if these sites have the transmissions, what are the advantages of watching by Megacubo instead of these sites? 1. “Miniplayer” mode Something Megacubo does and Read more

How to upgrade your Megacubo?

Megacubo is software that is in active development, so we frequently release new versions with important bug fixes reported by users, as well as performance improvements and new features. Failing to upgrade your Megacubo, you may be coexisting with bugs that have already been corrected for other users, besides not taking advantage of performance improvements Read more

How to help Megacubo?

Megacubo is an open source project, available free of charge to all, without any paid modalities. Its mission is to offer Internet users a simple, fast and practical experience to watch TV online, avoiding the known problems faced when we try to watch TV through the browser. If the program fulfilled this mission with you, Read more

Speedup your Megacubo

When watching some channels, the broadcast can give some “hiccups”, this happens when a channel requires a faster connection or if the channel server is in a distant country or overloaded, with many users watching at that time. If even with a connection speed greater than 5MB (minimum recommended) your Megacubo slows or is crashing, Read more